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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Sustainable Seafood

When choosing fish from your local fish monger have you ever thought what purchase would have a lesser impact on the environment? Now you can make a more informed choice with The Australian Marine Conservation Society's Australia's Sustainable Seafood Guide. They've released a free iPhone app, PDF file or hard copy you can purchase off their website for easy access to the information.

They've made the database easy to use, classifying seafood under "better", "think" and "no". It not only takes overfishing into consideration, but it also takes into account destructive fishing techniques, contamination and leakages dues to poor aquaculture practices and pollution. I highly recommend it for people who do consume seafood.

Overfishing, destructive fishing gear and poor aquaculture practices impact significantly on our seas, marine wildlife and habitats. An incredible 80% of the world's fish stocks are now over-exploited or fished right up to their limit. Once considered inexhaustible, our oceans are now in a state of global crisis, and they need our help.

As consumers we can and do make a difference through the choices we make. By choosing sustainable seafood we take a step towards a future with healthy oceans by helping drive change in the way our fish and shellfish are caught or farmed. We can all help make our seafood sustainable.

Also The Australian Conservation Foundation is conducting an independent Sustainable Seafood Assessment Program and provides an interactive map of Australia with a few sustainable seafood available in some states. As the assessment continues the map will be update and hopefully they can gain enough funding and momentum to have an extensive assessment avaliable.


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