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Friday, 16 December 2011

In the garden

This year my summer crop has taken a while to kick off. Partly because of the unpredictable weather we've been having due to La Nina and partly because some of my seeds didn't like the egg carton seed trays (I had to transfer them to either bigger pots or toilet rolls) and simply because I haven't had the time to get out there and give the garden a good workout.

I've managed to install drip irrigation (yes, plastic.. I know) onto one of my vegetable beds. Although it took a few trips to the hardware store and a diploma in irrigation installation, it helps IMMENSELY with saving time and saving water.

Drippers with a zucchini just starting to take off.

My herbs haven't looked back and its just an absolute delight walking out the back and picking fresh herbs for dinner. I can't wait till I can do that with my vegetables too!

Parsley going to seed.

Plenty of coriander!

Thyme and oregano.

Last year I bought some lemongrass as an experiment. It was a small sad looking punnet and its now grown into quite a large sedge of grass. I've got no clue whether its doing well or not, still, come end of summer I'll be harvesting and re-potting.


In the my irrigated patch I have oxheart and roma tomatoes, long cayanne peppers, eggplant, capsicum, zucchini and kale, along with a few bits and pieces here and there to assist with companion planting.

Oxheart tomato plant and calendula.

Sadly, my apricot and orange tree produced poorly, I've only managed to pick five delicious apricots. Although we'll have tons of mandarins this year!


 So that's whats happening in my garden.. what about yours?


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Intwinde in matrimony

Tomorrow is Mike and my second wedding anniversary and although our two years have gone really quickly, its also felt like around ten. We've been through joyous occasions and at times our relationship had definitely seen better days. But we've managed to stick together and I think we've learnt a lot about each other during our hardships. Without struggle, a relationship's strength is never truly tested. I pray that our love and friendship can grow and evolve together, becoming stronger as the years go on.

At this time of year I love to reconnect and reflect on our vows that we made to each other. I take our vows very seriously as they are a deceleration and promise we made to one another in front of our family and friends.

I love you.

You are my best friend.

Today I give myself to you in marriage.

I promise to encourage you and inspire you,
to laugh with you and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.

I’ll love you in good times and bad,
when life’s easy and when it’s hard,
when our love is simple and when it’s an effort.

You bring out the best in me, and I promise to cherish you.

These things, I give to you today and all the days of our life!

Photo by Jess White

I love you my darling man, thank you for being a wonderful husband, for listening to me when I have too many things to say, for giving me cuddles when I need them the most, for laughing with me, for taking the courageous journey into parenthood with me, for going into work everyday and for washing the dishes and folding the clothes when I ask you to. You have shown me how to love with humility, to communicate without fear and to accept and love who I am. I cherish you dearly, even though at times it seems that I don't.


{This moment}

Inspired by Soule MamaA single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

I know I'm almost two days late but I haven't posted in ages and this moment is such a wonderful one!


Tis the season

This is going to be Grub's second Christmas and if her second is anything like her first, shes going to be overwhelmed with a large amount of gifts. I think its wonderful she has so many people that adore and love her but I find that even I can be overwhelmed with the amount she receives. She generally wants to play with the boxes and wrapping that they come in and I'm quite happy to let her do this as I tend to place her gifted toys in storage so I can gradually bring them out for her to play with.

Grub last Christmas

Some of the presents don't sit well with me and my 'rules' of trying to minimise consumerism in my household or some are poorly made and I find myself recycling gifts or giving them to charity. Shhh... don't tell anyone! Although I'm not really throwing away items, I still feel a sense of unnecessary waste. Not to mention the wrapping, boxes, cards etc etc that have been used to present the presents.

So this year and onwards, Mike and I have decided that we'll be getting Grub one present for Christmas, that is until shes old enough to bring up Santa with us. Then Mike and I will have to have another discussion on what our views are about that situation.

As for gift giving to other family and friends, we're planning on creating homemade yummy treats and goodies wrapped in recycled packaging and card.

Do you and your family try to reduce the amount of consumerism during Christmas? What do you plan on giving this Christmas?
